dear self - you are strong


when you were growing up, your parents raised you to be your best self and they encouraged you to chase your dreams. they picked you up when you fell down, they praised your successes and helped you learn from your mistakes. they believed in you more than anyone else, they saw your potential, they nourished your creativity and they loved you for you.

you grew up and people started telling you differently, they told you that you were just like everyone else, that the things that made you special made thousands of other people special too in turn making you average. they told you that your dreams were risky, that your creativity was never going to pay off and that your mistakes define you.

that's when you made your first big mistake, you believed them. you see they were a test, they were put there to challenge you, to make you fight harder, run faster and trust yourself more. sadly, you listened to them, you started forgetting the things your parents taught you, you started thinking that you shouldn't shine as bright because it would make you stick out.

self, there's something i want you to know -  you have the power to beat the odds, to overcome any and everything that comes your way. you may have to fight for your dreams, you may make a few mistakes along the way, but never give up.

dear self, you are strong.

you are strong | mrtimothyjames | one
you are strong | mrtimothyjames | two
you are strong | mrtimothyjames | three
you are strong | mrtimothyjames | four

i hope you like this new segment on the blog - #dearself - each month there will be a new print which will be a reminder/note to self. i believe self empowerment is so necessary in order to be your best self and reach your full potential, if you don't believe in yourself - why should anyone else. it all starts with you.

if you use this print, i'd love to see how you style it/where you place it to remind yourself daily of your strength, so share it with me using the hashtag #mrtimothyjames on social media.

if you could give yourself one piece of advice what would it be? want a #dearself print of your own? leave me a comment below and i will do my best to incorporate it into the series. 

with love timothy xx