dear self - your happiness is before you not behind you

happy monday lovers
this month's #dearself post and the blog’s first guest post, comes to us from my darling friend and all around gorgeous human - Gemma Stanton of the blog namastegem.

look at you! you beautiful thing! all those nights up late, sobbing, listening to yet another taylor swift tune. but you know what, what about those times when the smile couldn't be wiped off your face? the times that you had that overly exuberant feeling to just say exactly how you feel to someone. to connect and bask in the beauty of the moment. you've had so many of those moments and you will, again and again and again. your happiness is before you, not behind you.

as long as you are given another day to wake up to, you have another chance to spin these beautiful, rare, unique and eccentric talents you have to use out in the world. you have roller coasters to ride, bridges to burn, cupcakes to ice, men to fall in love with, yourself to fall in love with, bacon, sugar, chocolate, love, the sparkly emojis, long hugs, swims in the ocean, songs to sing, people to meet for the very first time and so so many tears and smiles to be had.

your happiness is before you, not behind you, you wild, raw, real, unique, talented, brilliant, sacred, rebellious soul. in this life remember that no matter where you go, there you are. and so are the past moments, etched into your skin. the bag full of bones you've been blessed with. what a beautiful bag full of bones you are. go and shine on and on and on. bring happiness to those around you. give others the permission to shine in this world, through letting your light shine.

dear self - your happiness is before you, not behind you

and i'm so excited for you

ds your happiness is before you | mrtimothyjames | one
ds your happiness is before you | mrtimothyjames | two
ds your happiness is before you | mrtimothyjames | three
ds your happiness is before you | mrtimothyjames | four

photos by mrtimothyjames    |    words by gemma stanton

Want to share your own advice to yourself? just use the #dearself on social media and share it with others so that we can all build each other up.

If you have a suggestion for the next 'dear self' installment leave it in the comments below and you just may see it the series. 

much love xx